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thank you for your very professional and effective help with our travell arrangments

Hi Diep,

just a small note to thank you for your very professional and effective help with our travell arrangments,now including flights to Hue etc.Both Jenny and I were most impressed and appreciative of your cheerfull help and are more than pleased to have had the opportunity to meet you in person.We would love the opportunity to return the favour in some small way should you and your family ever venture to Melbourne ( I'm sure that An would be most impressed by kangaroos,koala bears and our beaches). again thanking you for all your help

 best regards, Jenny and Ian Macfarlane
ps will send you photos when we return to Oz
Ms Jenny and Mr Ian Macfarlane
Sunday,September 12,2010 9:18 PM

We had such a great time in Hanoi,Halong,Hoa Lu and Tam Coc.

Dear Miss Yen,

Greeting back from Bangkok! We're doing well,thank you so much! Hope you do the same. We had such a great time in Hanoi,Halong,Hoa Lu and Tam Coc. Our favourite one was Tam Coc with a great scenery. I love the plan that we went to Hoa Lu in the morning and went to Tam Coc in the afternoon. My mum really loves row the boat and my dad got Vietnamese hat back to our house,great protection from Vietnamese raining during the days we were there. Boat at Halong was nice and please give our regard to guides on both days. They're really helpful and entertained especially a guide from the first day to Halong. I don't know how to pronounce his name but he's a nice one with good English speaker though. He helped my dad took off the bus as my dad is pretty old and he inconvenience to move down the bus. And overall was really nice and the hotel was well friendly and helpful too. I love the look of the hotel and our room was clean and perfect for 3 people as a family. Next time,i'm sure will use your great service again and this time will be in Sapa.

 Warm regards,
Ms Pattrawan K
Sunday,September 05,2010 7:34 PM

remember your exceptional services for my next visit.

Hi Mr.Diep

Now my family and I are back in Singapore. I want to thank you for going above and beyond your obligations to provide us additional transportation in Hanoi. The arrangement at Sapa was also very well coordinated and we were not the least inconvenienced in the entire trip. I will remember your exceptional services for my next visit.

Thanks & Warm regards
Rahul Chakrabarti
Mr Rahul Chakrabarti
Wednesday,June 30,2010 7:40 PM

We were particularly impressed with your excellent communication

We would like to thank you very much for the professional manner in which you conducted your business with us. We were particularly impressed with your excellent communication regarding arrangements and the fact that you personally acoompanied us to the train in Hanoi to ensure we didn't encounter any problems. The fact that you had one of your representatives meet us on our return to Hanoi was also greatly appreciated

Regards Andrew
Mr Andrew Beechey
Saturday,March 20,2010 8:34 AM

thank you for organising our trips to Sapa and Halong Bay Catba

We are all now back in Australia preparing to return to work but I would llike to on behalf of the four us say a very big thank you for organising our trips to Sapa and Halong Bay Catba. It was organised so well and we were very pleased with every thing. We have a friend travelling to Vietnam,Liz John,so I will be certain to forward your details to her.
A very big thank you once again – Sapa and Catba were both two of our main highlights of the holiday to Vietnam!

Best regards


Thursday,1 October 2009 9:56 AM

thank you for setting up our tour guide and driver

I want to thank you for your assistance in making our trip to Sa Pa wonderful. We had a great time in Victoria Express Train. I want to thank you for setting up our tour guide and driver. I know we could not have done what we did without their help. My children had a wonderful time even if it was raining on us. They loved walking around looking at the landscape. Your company was very helpful and I would recommend your company to anyone who is wanting to travel on the train to Sa Pa. Many thanks again.

Best regards, Michelle Black Bangkok
Ms Michelle Black Bangkok
1 Sept 2009 9:00AM