What People Say ?

We had a great trip


Yes we had a great trip and our bus driver and tour guide Lucy Vo was very nice and informative... we only can say positive things about her and also the bus driver Don was a very good driver...
thanks again,and if we need another booking we will be in touch...

Kind Regards

Mr. Waltraud Komar,
Mr. Waltraud Komar
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 11:09 PM

enjoyed your country very very much and it was one of our best trips

Dear Hai Yen,

As I promised I write you back with my impression from the trip to Vietnam.
First, I want to tell you that we enjoyed your country very very much and it was one of our best trips. We liked the people, the special atmospher as a communist country and the feeling of something new which is beeing built. As tourists we felt that everywhere people want us to feel good: in the hotels in the restaurants and on the street. We are thinking to come back next year to visit the places we missed like Dalat and Na Trang and again to visit Hanoi, which we found fascinating, and Hoi An just to mention the main places. Maybe we will add to this trip a visit to Cambodia or Laos. Are you willing to help me with it?

As to your company we were very pleased. Everything went smouthly and easy. I have few things of criticism. As I told you already we expected to have a better cabin in the train to SAPA and not next to the Bathroom. We expected to have better restaurants and so touristic: you have to take into account that people are coming to Vietnam also for the food. In the trip to Can Tho we felt that many things were not nescessary and were a waste of time and money (like the drive with a horse and a cart and things like that). But all everything was good.
Another thing, untill I met our lovely guide in Sapa- Hai, I thought you are a men and not a women. I am a women also.
Many thanks
Mrs Rivka Nir
Monday, March 19, 2012 1:53 AM

thank you to you and your colleagues for the organisation and arrangement of our trip to Sapa and Halong.

Dear Hai Yen

Hope this finds you well and that you and your family enjoyed a happy 'chuc meng nam moi'.
We just want to say a big thank you to you and your colleagues for the organisation and arrangement of our trip to Sapa and Halong. We had a very had a fantastic time in your country, made all the more wonderful by the fact that everything went very smoothly (pick up from the airport to the train station, from Lao Cai back to your office to wait for the Halong Phoenix Tour guide etc).
We would definitely recommend your services to our friends and if we do travel to Hanoi again, will certainly get in contact to organise our tours through you.

We wish you all the best for 2012. Com On!
Kind Regards
Frank Everingham
Mr Frank Everingham
Thursday, February 09, 2012 12:39 PM

We had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for your help.

We had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for your help.
Your guide Ms Silen Truy was wonderful, and the best guide we had during our three-week trip in Vietnam. She allowed us flexibility, which was important with a small child, and with changing weather conditions. She was also very caring and patient, and she helped us understand more about the environment and the people in Halong
I would certainly recommend your company again, and Ms Silen Truy as a guide in Halong

Warm regards,
Mr Jason Bogie
Mr Jason Bogie
Thursday, February 09, 2012 2:09 PM

Thank you to enjoy 17days trip to Vietnam & Cambodia

Dear Ms. Hai Yen,
Thank you for your mail.
We hope you had a wonderful celebration and wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year!
We would both like to thank you for the wonderful time we had in Vietnam and Cambodia. The tour was excellently organised and we thank you and your staff for the memorable time we spent there.
We would individually like to thank the drivers in Hanoi (Mr. Nam), Sa Pa (Mr. Herng), Hoi An (Mr. My), Ho Chi Minh City (sorry, we don't know his name), Phnom Penh (Mr. Karuna),and Siem Reap (Mr Sokha).
They were all very courteous and concerned about our welfare and safety, especially Mr Sokha who always had cold water and wet wipes ready for us when we returned from sight-seeing in Angkor.
We are very grateful to our guides - Mr. Zey (Greet at Noi Bai Airport and Hanoi Station), Mr. Dhrong (Guide in Hanoi and Ninh Binh), Mr. Ma (Guide in Sa Pa), Mr. Feng (Guide in Hue and Hoi An), Ms. Lucy (Guide in Ho Chi Minh City), Mrs. Sothy (Guide on Day 14/ Jan 17, in Phnom Penh), and Mr. Vibol (Guide in Siem Reap).
We would like to wish them all the very best and to thank them sincerely for their kindness, friendship and information. They were all very knowledgeable about local information and polite. They were happy to answer our questions and were concerned about our comfort.
We enjoyed excellent and new types of food at the great restaurants, and wish to thank you for organising the many lunches and dinners we enjoyed during our stay. May be next time, we could have a meal together in Vietnam or when you happen to visit Canberra, Australia.
All the hotel rooms we stayed in were very comfortable and clean. We especially liked the rooms at Gerbera Hotel (Mercure) Hue, and Thanh Van 2 Hotel Hoi An. But the Manager at Thanh Van 2 Hotel was pushing us to buy clothes from his tailoring shop.
The staff and location of Medallion Hotel Hanoi were excellent. But the toilet system at Medallion Hotel Hanoi was not very good.
Sa Pa View Hotel was average. But the room at Sa Pa View Hotel could have a better heating and hot water system.
The Spa at Tan Hai Long Hotel Ho Chi Minh City was very good and the hotel was centrally located and very convenient. But the superior double room at Tan Hai Long Hotel was a bit too small.
We were delighted with our last room at Victoria Hotel Siem Reap and it was a lovely way to end our holiday.
All the guided tours were well organised and our guides (except Mr. Daream) were flexible to any requests we had. We enjoyed the many boat rides along the beautiful waterways of Vietnam and Cambodia as well as learnt a lot from the villages, historic sites and markets we visited.
Once again, Ms. Hai Yen thank you for an excellent holiday!
We hope you would keep in touch with us and we will definitely inform you when we plan our next holiday. We are considering to visit Malaysia and Thailand early next year/2013, would you have any advice for us please?
Thank you and kind regards,
Dulamanie and Sean.
Ms Dulamanie and Mr Sean.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 2:00 PM

We will definitely travel with your agency again in future.

Dear Hai Yen,

Overall my family enjoyed the trip other than the domestic flight delay. However I would still like to provide some constructive feedback: Hotel - All hotels service level are good,especially Boss hotel. Initially one of the room is very stuffy but the staff managed to find usa fan. Hoi An was ok but my children found the room a little eerie as all thelightings are dim. Our favorite hotel is the Fragrances Hotel which is bright,clean andoffer spa service. Car - We are happy with the vans in Ho Chin Minh and Hanoi. For Hue,vanis a bit old. All drivers were very good. Food - most of the food are extremely nice,especially the spring rolls inHanoi. Some of the food is oily,example:Fish baked in a clay pot or pancake inHue. Maybe a little more variety in the type of food will be nice. We reallylove Hanoi dinner and the meal on Junk boat At Halong bay. I would also like to comment that we really appreciate that you areprepared to accommodate us if the flight at Hoi An was delayed further. We will definitely travel with your agency again in future.

Happy New Year
Rdgs Catherine Tan
Ms Catherine Tan
Friday,December 30,2011 11:18 PM